There are millions of apps available in Google Android Play store.However you must prefer to choose best apps for your Android Tablet.Here we comes with top 10 must have apps for your Android Tablet.
Social network:
1. Facebook: Facebook is the no.1 social social network in the world and Everybody wants to connect with friends.Price: Free.
Developer: Facebook Inc

2.Twitter: Twitter also one of the most popular social network by following your favorite celebrity wherever they are.
Google plus is preloaded app from Google so you don't need to install it again.
Price: Free.
Developer: Twitter Inc

3.Pinterest: Pinterest recently made network but works great.You can create pins from any web site and you can follow pin boards related to fashion,art,food,Design etc.Thanks for making available for Android.
Price: Free
Requires: Android 2.2 or above
Developer: Pinterest, Inc.

Photo Editing:
4.Adobe® Photoshop® TouchAdobe photo shop touch most useful for Editing photo,Unlike Adobe Photo Express this App supports many Desktop features.There are Adobe Creative Cloud and tutorials to explain how everything works.
Price: $9.99
Requires: Android 3.1 or above
Developer: Adobe Systems

Media Player:
5. MX Player: There are lots of media players available in the Play store. But we prefer this because of its amazing features and looks brilliant.You can play almost all format videos by MX player and it supports sub titles.lock feature and many other features.MX player available in free and Premium versions.

Anti virus:
6.Dr.web: All anti viruses perform tasks well but we prefer Dr.web. You can manage calls by block list.
Anti theft online support,Cloud block features.Available in Free and Premium Versions.

7.Online file storage: Dropbox is one of the most famous
app for sync your files such as docs and multimedia.You can access your
files on all your Devices and in Dropbox Official web site.
Price: Free
Developer: Dropbox Inc.

Notes app:
8.Evernote or Catch: Everybody prefers Evernote for create your notes like a notepad,but Catch works fine when compared to Evernote, Catch is the simple app and quite brilliant with text, image and audio note. Some features like you only access your private folder(folder like "My Ideas"),sync with all your devices,Access all your notes on the web, Possword protection and online Backup,Change the notepad color and you can share with your friends.Catch available in Free and Premium versions.
Ebook reader:
9.Kindile: Amazon brings you a gateway into your browsing ebooks,Kindle supports several viewing options like background,sizes,brightness and orientation.Another amazing feature is the ability to link it to a dictionary so you can tap any word while reading for a full explanation.Price: Free
Requires: Android Varies with device
Developer: Amazon Mobile LLC

10.News Repulic: There are many news readers optimized for Android but News Republic is one of the best.Use the TagNav system to jump between articles,You can add specific topics and browse by top stories with full support of images and videos.
Price: Free
Requires: Android 1.5 or above
Developer: MobilesRepublic

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